Letter sent to Senator Steve Fielding June 10 2009


I am happy to report that I have received a reply from Steve Fielding’s office which included a summary of his questions to Senator Wong and the reply he received from her and the head scientist. In my view the arguments put forward by the government leave a lot to be desired.  It is astounding to read that ‘the science’ has not shown a rise in temperature in 15 years. There is no question about Climate Change but Steve’s quest is to determine the true driver behind Climate Change.  The material  he has posted is excellent and needs to be read by all Australians and alot more debate and research needs to occur. Please go to his web site and keep an eye on the debate there and join his forum. Here are some links for you to directly access some of his info.

Listen here to Steve on 3AW after his return from the States

Read his questions and governments responses


Secretary: Ian C Hacon P.O. Box 8 Heidelberg West. Vic 3081

To: Senator Steve Fielding

C/- 255 Blackburn Rd

Mount Waverley Vic 3149

Dear Mr Fielding

I congratulate you on seeking to find ’the truth’ as to the matter of what is causing ‘climate change’. I have read a portion of Proff Plimmers book and heard the reviews on the Science Show and Ockham’s Razor, abc radio 621 and. I was sorry to miss your interrogation by John Fayne this morning. Sadly John is a bit naïve some times. I think we can all agree that climate has always changed and civilizations come and go accordingly. I guess our debate is to determine ‘what is the primary cause of our present climate change. Is it the Sun as per Professor Plimmer and Proff. Lance Endersby. Is the earth now in a cooling period and if so what of the effects of the CO2? I just saw a program explaining how the warm currents from the Indonesian accapaligo that swirl around the coast of Australia and the dipole switching is the main cause of our weather as to if it is dry or wet. Then we have the theory that the pollution in the Northern hemispheres had driven our weather south and so we miss out on the rains. Be interesting to get some newspapers of the 60’s and see how the lows and highs travel across our country compared to today. Let’s face it the weather systems are just so complex. Perhaps we should all agree that we have a pollution problem. CO2 is not a pollutant as such but no one talks about all the other deadly poisons that generally accompany CO2 as in the coal and oil industries or just running our cars. It is many many tons and even it had no effect on the weather I am all for cleaning up out planet. No one talks about the terrible consequences of pouring our sewerage into the sea. Professor Chris Illert was on this cause years ago and pointed out that the Sydney out lets cause red tides all around the Antarctic and this may be killing the sea life as much as anything else. We could go on endlessly about all the practices we are doing wrong in the world today from Silica Fluoride in our drinking water ( the most deadly form) to the effects of EM smog from mobile phones. You can’t tell me this has no effect on clouds as the weather is electrical in nature and we are totally polluting great chunks of the biosphere with EM smog. So many things to be concerned about.

I want to introduce you to our community group as named above of which I am a founding member. I have a passion for real alternative technologies, the kind the system is ignoring at this stage, but technologies I feel that are absolutely essential if we are indeed able to clean up the planet and contemplate life here in 50 years let alone 500 years. We are consuming the planet’s resources at a rate that is not sustainable especially when it comes to our energy sources. Tesla technology has been ignored but I include a dvd of John Bedini which I hope you will have time to watch. We have a radiant energy charger unit and it works.

See Bedini Charger This technology can save so much in batteries alone. We know of aluminium super batteries used by the military which would make the electric car much more viable but at least three battery technologies are being kept from the public. Do they really want new technologies or don’t they.

You will see a section on our web site in the index ‘CONTRARY VIEWS’ TO GLOBAL WARMING. There you will see the graphs that you probably saw in the usa and some great material from Lance as well. We all want to get to the truth but we also want to see real solutions implemented. I do not believe another tax will solve anything and do not trust any government to do the right thing by us and ask that you continue your quest for truth and bring to the public a broader picture of concerns as to the real pollution that need cleaning up and look at alternatives beyond wind and solar that are very limiting. There is so much more exciting stuff out there and as a group we are focused on the automotive fuel systems and experimenting with HOH as a supplementary system. On board HOH systems greatly reduce pollution and greatly increases efficiencies. High mileage fuel systems. In 1930 James Pogue achieved 100 MPG and this technology has been suppressed ever since. Did you know we can get 63mpg in a Ford 351 V8. How? By simply converting the fuel to a true vapour before it gets to the engine. Most engines inject the fuel straight into the engine and there is no time for vapourization. Did you know that in 1930 some V8’s had a sticker on the window guaranteeing 30mpg. You know what went wrong? The accountants got in on the act and removed one of the water pumps and thus mucked up the cooling systems reducing V8 efficiencies to the 18mpg for so many years since. Imagine the wasted fuel over the last 79 years. We are now building a full water pump bypass system to replicate these results. Our mission is to look at all kinds of systems and evaluate them. Sadly we do not have any funding and many of us are limited in time but I know we are so far ahead in our knowledge base than most in the so called industries. I hope we can make a serious contribution as to some real alternative technology solutions especially for the ordinary person but some of our folk have some big ideas as well.

Maybe you have some ideas that can help our cause if you think it worth supporting. Remember most groundbreaking inventions have come from the back shed, not from top-heavy corporations.

We would be delighted to have you as a speaker some time or if you know someone appropriate who can give us some in depth understanding of the climate situation or to even understand the governments perspective if it is possible to understand that.

I encourage you to keep up your good work and quest for truth rather than spin. I was so glad when Rudd took over from Johnny but now Rudds vandalism of the country by throwing us into debt and at the mercy of the foreign money power is a crime against all Australians that is unforgivable and the sooner he goes the better…but would it be any different under the other mob?? Sorry to be irreverent but it is so serious. Rudd has not studied his own labour history and how we built so many infrastructures (Trans National Rail link) and even financed the war debt free, by using our own sovereign financing through the Commonwealth Bank. See the Commonwealth Bank Story. Why do we have to borrow digits (fictitious fractional reserve money?) from a computer with Wall Street mob?? I do not know how much you know about this topic of money creation, but I have a great DVD I would be happy to send to you if you would like a copy. It explains the banking system from woe to go. The Federal Reserve (usa) for instance has never been audited and is a private organization. Did you know that? If we want to make a real change in the world we need to develop a NON GROWTH economic model. The only reason why we need perpetual growth is because the banks DO NOT create the interest component of the loan and when folk stop mad borrowing the money dries up as has happened now. (Just draw the graphs and you will see the system is totally flawed. It can never work except for the manipulators. Boom and Bust has to happen) We need to develop a new money system that is sustainable and balanced and enables us to have the utopian society we talked about when I was a kid when machines would do our work and we would have a society that did great things. ( Yes I am dreaming here!) Now all we hear about is work in a crappy job til we drop to make enough dollars to pay the land tax and other impositions and maybe some food if we are lucky. Plenty of goods and services available but NO digits on a computer to exchange. I am sure we can so better than the ‘dark age ‘ in which we now live.

These are the real issues we need to think about and we should set up think tanks etc. OH where are the statesmen of yester year?. The great men of integrity with VISION for our nation that has been stolen by ‘incorporation’ and ‘we the people’ are only consumers for the Corporations (all our government bodies are now corporations ) rather than being ‘BENEFICIARIES’ of the ‘TRUST We were the beneficiaries of the Power, Water and Postal net works. Services for our benefit’.

Now look at the mess. They used to plan 40 years ahead for our water supply.

The big powerlines are working 600% over their rated capacity. Just talk to some old SEC lads…. No Rail upgrades…our country was set up so that we could all enjoy the fruits of our COMMONWEALTH WHICH HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM US WITHOUT FIRING A SHOT. BY STEALTH AND BY TREASON I dare to suggest.

Our Constitution calls it Treason and has rules about selling the peoples assets. All Illegal I can tell you. Now we have a huge debt and no more assets to sell so what is the future?? We the people are so ignorant of how this country was set up and meant to run.

I hope you can do something to slow down the demise our great country and do all you can to expose these great swindles thrust upon the people of Australia.

I have hit you with a lot of concepts and I hope your heart is open to them for consideration and comment.

I would be delighted to have your views on these matters and especially the real alternative technologies and your suggestions as to how our Association can be effective in the mix of things in a constructive way.

I will email this to you and post a copy to your office with the dvd mentioned on John Bedini and ‘The Banks’ Dvd as well. I hope you have time to see them as I know you are busy. Keep up the good work

Ian Hacon

NB: The views I have expressed are my views and not necessarily representative of all members of the Association