Embed youtube video WordPress posts which only takes just a few steps.
If you want to embed youtube video wordpress that later versions WordPress supports the embed of youtube video natively so this means no fancy plugins are necessary.
Here is a list of other native supported wordpress embebing
- Go to youtube and find the video you want to embed
- Copy the link from your url bar in your browser
- Paste it where you want within the post
- Wrap it in the
To create a nice appearance of the post also paste the youtube link in the featured video box (you will find this in the sidebar on the right hand side.

Eembed youtube video wordpress – Featured Video
An select the Category you want the embed youtube to be listed under

Embed youtube video WordPress – Select Category
Of course if you want your post to rank on the search engines
Complete the Wordpess SEO by Yoast section
You can see here from more details on that: http://www.climtechsolutions.com/writing-great-wordpress-posts/
Final Comments:
Just a pasting a youtube link in a post without any dialogue about that video is of little use. If you have watched a video and think it is worth sharing then your opinion about the video is worth something too. If you are to post a video make sure you say something to it, so the reader can decide if it is something that may interest them too. To be effective 300 or more word is ideal. It is important to ensure that words are original not a copy and paste of someone else comments on the subject. You want your article to be read right?